The Best Herbal Testosterone Booster – Which Test Is the Best?
By Space Coast Daily // February 17, 2022
Test is the best. But which is the Best Herbal Testosterone Booster? That’s what we are going to find out. ‘Test is the best’ is an unofficial saying in the world of anabolic steroids, where ‘Test’ stands for ‘Testosterone’. It’s often told to young blokes who want to try stronger steroids or oral steroids or SARMS for their maiden steroid cycles.
The idea behind the statement is not entirely wrong. Testosterone is a bioidentical hormone that’s produced in the body, and in theory it’s designed to be the foundation of numerous health benefits, which range from bone health to muscle gain, libido booster to fat loss accelerator.
But, why would you want to pin exogenous hormones when you can in fact get identical results (at least 80%) without using black market drugs sourced from underground labs?
That’s where the best testosterone boosters come into the picture. We are pretty sure that you have heard about test boosters in the past. But just like most men, you are skeptical about them.
■ Do Herbal testosterone boosters work?
■ Can they produce the same results as testosterone injections?
■ Is it a complete hoax or is there any truth to the claims of natural herbal testosterone boosters and their manufacturers and marketers?
We are going to answer each one of those questions and a lot more.
Stay with us as we give you the lowdown on the best testosterone booster 2021. Let’s dive straight into our top 4 recommendations first.
What are the best Herbal testosterone boosters in 2022?
Here’s the list.
TestoPrime – Best Testosterone booster for bodybuilding
PrimeGENIX Testodren – Featured in 5 clinical studies. Increases Free T by 72.5%
TestoGen – Best Testosterone booster for middle aged men seeking overall quality of life improvement
TestoFuel – Anabolic Support Complex for fast muscle gains
#1 – TestoPrime – Best Herbal Testosterone Booster for Muscle Building & Overall Health
The Testosterone replacement therapy industry is driven by the claims that you cannot increase your testosterone levels naturally to a sufficiently high range to achieve any of the benefits that come with it.
But TestoPrime not only increases your serum testosterone levels to the upper end of baseline, it also increases your free testosterone.
This provides you with greater muscle mass, increased energy levels, fat loss and sharp mental focus. Apart from that, TestoPrime will bring about a marked improvement in your overall quality of life.
All of this without having to pin injections for the rest of your life. This is hands down, a game changer for most men.
What are the benefits of using TestoPrime?
TestoPrime is the strongest Testosterone booster that we have reviewed in a long time and we’ve been reviewing these for quite some time now.
If you are someone who has experienced low energy levels, loss of drive and an overall decrease in the quality of your life, then a mere, temporary boost in Serum testosterone levels will do nothing.
You need something that creates the perfect setting for anabolism by increasing free testosterone, reducing SHBG, increasing energy levels, boosting the levels of IGF-1 & Growth hormone to name a few.
That’s exactly what TestoPrime does.
Increase in lean muscle mass
TestoPrime is one of the most widely used testosterone pills by natural bodybuilders who want an edge over the chemically enhanced competition.
It primes your body to produce more Luteinizing hormone which stimulates the production of Testosterone in the leydig cells of your testes. More testosterone increases the capacity of your muscle tissue to renew and repair.
More nutrients are transported to your muscle cells causing them to grow bigger and stronger.
What’s more? You will enjoy an increase in the rate of protein synthesis, which helps you to lift heavier weights for longer periods during your workout sessions. All in all, if your muscles are looking feeble now after a certain age, this will help restore the hardness and pumps that went missing.
Boosted energy levels & Endurance
TestoPrime will take out the lethargy and fatigue out of your life permanently. Most men in their middle ages struggle to get out of bed and get tasks done without a shot of coffee to power them.
This is also because of unstable levels of hormones which regulate energy metabolism and the production of ATP. With more testosterone in your system, you will notice an increase in your energy levels, allowing you to perform better than ever before.
What’s more? You will notice that your overall endurance levels will increase dramatically which means that you can be more active during the day without feeling exhausted and sleeping early at night.
Enhanced fat loss & enhanced muscle definition
Testosterone is a miracle drug that will bump up your metabolism slightly, increasing the number of calories you burn during your workout sessions.
Besides, it boosts the formation of red blood cells that transport oxygen to your muscle tissues. This opens the flood gates sending vital nutrients into your muscle cells, causing them to grow.
With increased blood flow to the muscles, you will notice an improvement in your muscle pumps after workouts which means more muscle definition and enhanced vascularity.
There is a certain hardness that you only get with anabolic steroids and increased androgens. TestoPrime will get you exactly that.
Skyrockets your Libido
TestoPrime produces such an intense spike in your serum testosterone levels that your libido will get supercharged. Most men in their 50s and 60s who were hooked on ‘The Blue Pill’ have since then, shifted to TestoPrime.
It’s a strong blood flow booster, increases strength, arousal, sensitivity to stimulus and climax. It’s the whole 9-yards for men’s health.
What are the ingredients in TestoPrime?
Coming the most critical aspect of an effective testosterone booster, its ingredients.
Here’s the deal. There are only a handful of natural ingredients that are proven to increase serum and free testosterone. We know these like the back of our hands. Like we said, we do this for a living.
So, it’s actually pretty easy for us to narrow down on the best T booster without spending hours scrutinizing everything we see on that product label. Here’s a detailed list of what you get with TestoPrime.
■ D-Aspartic Acid – 2000mg
■ KSM-66 Ashwagandha – 668 mg
■ Panax Ginseng – 8000 mg
■ Fenugreek – 800 mg
■ Green Tea Extract – 4000 mg
■ Pomegranate – 360 mg
■ Vitamin D – 26.66 ug
■ Piperine 95% – 6.68 mg
■ Vitamin B6 & B5 – Totals to 13 mg
■ Zinc – 40 mg
■ Garlic Extract – 1600 mg
Now pay close attention not just to the ingredients, each one of which is proven to bump up your testosterone levels or plays a vital role in hormonal optimization, metabolism, cognitive performance and mood.
Also check the concentrations. This is by far, the strongest concentration of active ingredients you will find in any testosterone pills, guaranteed!
TestoPrime Pricing
Considering how potent this formula is, we wouldn’t have expected TestoPrime for anything lesser than $100 a month. We have seen worse stuff being sold for much more.
But surprisingly, they have some great offers going on.
■ TestoPrime only costs $59.99 instead of $75.99 (Earlier price).
■ You can get two bottles of TestoPrime (360 capsules) for $119.99 instead of $227.07. And you get one Free Bottle with this deal.
■ If you buy three bottles of TestoPrime (720 capsules) for $179.99 instead of $455.94 You get another three bottles for free. That’s insane!
Why we highly recommend TestoPrime Herbal Testosterone Booster
TestoPrime is the most advanced, all-natural testosterone boosting solution which provides you with amazing long term effects, safety and benefits to your overall health.
■ Almost 12 grams of well-rounded ingredients that will skyrocket your total testosterone to the upper end of baseline. No other testosterone booster even comes close in terms of dosage and concentration
■ 138.7% more muscle strength
■ Proven Free testosterone booster that will increase lean muscle mass generation, fat loss and energy levels
■ Huge increase in libido and arousal
■ Marked increase in strength and stamina
■ You can go on for hours without getting pooped
■ 92.2% increase in stamina and strength
■ 100% safe formula that will have no impact on your HPTA and hence will not shut down your natural testosterone production
■ Up to 44% Higher testosterone levels
■ Currently used by pro bodybuilders to maintain their muscle mass when they come off steroids
■ Comes with a 100% money back guarantee
TestoPrime – Final thoughts
If you were almost swayed into hopping on TRT, we highly recommend that you give it one last shot with TestoPrime. We promise you that you will not be disappointed one bit.
You can thank us later. Remember, it’s an oral capsule that can be taken anywhere and anytime. Unlike injections and what not. Comes with a money back guarantee too. What do you have to lose?
#2 – PrimeGENIX Testodren™ – Proven to Increase Free Testosterone by 72.87%
Testodren™ is a reasonably new addition to the overcrowded marketplace for testosterone booster pills. But it instantly manages to stand out with a formula that’s proven to increase free testosterone levels by 72.87% in a span of just weeks.
That’s an incredible rise in free T folks. One that will bring with it, plenty of benefits ranging from strength, stamina and endurance, to muscle tone, fat loss and overall health improvement.
It’s no wonder that Testodren™ has shown to increase free Testosterone in 5-independent clinical trials that are published in the public domain. This is the most in-demand T booster in the world now, especially in the athletic circuit.
What are the benefits of Testodren™?
The benefits of Testodren™ can easily be correlated with the benefits of a 72% increase in free testosterone. What happens when your free T increases by that much? Well, here’s what.
Your body transforms in appearance
98% of the total testosterone in your body is bound by SHBG. It is the remaining 2% that produces all of the beneficial effects associated with testosterone. This is called Free Testosterone.
When free Testosterone increases it’s bound to have a positive impact on your all aspects of your health body. And that’s exactly what happens when you take Testodren™.
Your muscles become bigger, harder and denser. Even if you have lifted weights all your life, you will have noticed a decline in the quality and hardness of your muscles. In order words, your muscles become soft and flabby after a certain age due to the decrease in free testosterone levels.
Testodren™ transforms this by altering two key processes within your system. Muscle protein synthesis and Nitrogen retention. As a result, your body starts to transform in appearance right before your eyes.
Your muscles look rock hard with visible veins. Your muscle definition changes as you lose fat.
Workouts become more productive and enjoyable
One of the telltale signs of low testosterone is when you start to dislike your workouts. It becomes more and more difficult to recover from a workout. You are sore for much longer. The weights seem heavier. You are not able to put in your 100%.
This is generally when men drop the ball. But with Testodren™, your workouts will go from longish and boring to more productive. Your recovery will be enhanced due to the increased RBC production, and your muscle tissue quality will be much better.
No longer puffy and watery. You will be raring to hit the gym, sometimes repeatedly each day with no drop in performance.
Great Mood, Sex drive and Energy
Who doesn’t want to feel great all the time? With Testodren™, you will not only look better, but you will also feel much better.
Forget about slow days at work when your levels of concentration are down. Forget about watching TV alone in your living room after dinner all by yourself. Testodren™ brings out the alpha male in you.
Your mood is great. Your focus is sharp. You are no longer bothered by the trivial things that have no impact on your life. Your energy levels are sky high. Your sex drive is insane.
It is the total men’s health booster supplement folks.
What’s in Primegenix Testodren™?
So product formulas are the foundation stone on which any testosterone booster is evaluated for its efficacy.
A strong foundation is what ensures that you only get the most impactful benefits from your supplement. So let’s analyze what ingredients go into the making of Primegenix Testodren™.
1. US Patented Fenugreek extract standardized to 20% Protodioscin
Oh yes. Testodren™ is a single ingredient Testosterone booster. Now, that might be enough to throw off a lot of potential users.
You think, ‘How can a single ingredient boost T levels?’ Well, 5 clinical studies cannot be wrong can they?
Fenugreek is a natural herb that’s currently being researched as one of the primary herbal candidates that can potentially boost free Testosterone without resorting to injections.
The 20% standardized extract is so potent that a mere 80mg of this extract can increase free Testosterone by 25%. You get 500 mg in a single dose of Testodren™. The Protodioscin in Fenugreek is considered to be a plant based steroid that produces almost anabolic steroids like results.
Now you know why the world is going gaga over plant based steroids like Turkesterone, don’t you?
The best part? It has no side effects. No headaches, no jittery feeling, no sleepless nights. Just pure health benefits.
What does Testodren™ Cost?
Testodren™ is priced at $59.95 for a one-month supply, which is the industry standard price for top quality Testosterone boosters.
You can get a 3-month supply for $119.95, that’s almost 45% off the actual price.
Similarly, a 6-month supply is priced at just $199.95 which is 40% less. That’s the best value pack considering that you will experience such good results that you wouldn’t want to stop using Testodren™ any time soon.
Might as well buy in bulk and save money up front.
Why we highly recommend Testodren™
In all the years that we have been reviewing Testosterone booster pills, we have never come across a supplement that has been featured in 5 clinical trials and has shown positive results in all of them.
■ PrimeGENIX Testodren™ promises to be a gamechanger. Here’s why we highly recommend this testosterone booster.
■ Proven to increase free testosterone levels by 72.5%.
■ Marked improvement in muscle mass, energy levels, mood, libido, and body fat levels
■ Increases your confidence, focus and mood
■ Single US Patented Ingredient
■ Can be clubbed with DIM 3X™ to reduce Estrogen levels and prevent aromatization if you seek a ribbed physique
■ 100% Natural
■ Comes with a 67-day money back guarantee
Testodren™ – Final Thoughts
PrimeGENIX Testodren™ is a Testosterone booster that has been featured in numerous clinical studies. It boosts free T, which is associated with most of the health benefits of Testosterone.
It is a single ingredient Testo-booster, which makes it highly effective as the primary ingredient has shown to increase testosterone by a whopping 72% within 2 months of usage.
#3 – TestoGen – International Bestselling Testosterone Booster For Middle Aged Men
Both the Testosterone boosting pills that we have recommended until now are goal specific. TestoPrime is more suited for bodybuilders and athletes, while Testodren is also a Free T booster.
But what if you are a middle-aged man who’s experiencing the classic signs of low T? You’d prefer a more generic testosterone booster that offers the best of both worlds.
You want some muscle building effects, but you also want some mood enhancement, libido boosting and fat burn. That’s where TestoGen shines.
This potent Testosterone booster is amongst the top 3 natural T boosters in the market that have a blend so potent, that it provides every single benefit associated with higher T levels.
What are the benefits of TestoGen?
TestoGen is a bestselling Testosterone booster that has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Men’s Journal, CNN and Shape. This is because it has an all-natural, safe and healthy line of ingredients that help boost free testosterone levels.
We have spoken to thousands of men who have used TestoGen in the past three years and each one of them have compared the results with what they felt like when they were teenagers.
That best sums it up for you. TestoGen takes out the middle age from the 40s.
Energy & Drive
TestoGen has all the right ingredients to increase your testosterone levels to the mid 800s and 900s. Some men have even mentioned that it spiked their T levels to supra-physiological levels during their 12-weeks of use.
When your Testosterone levels go into supra-physiological range, you are looking at all the benefits associated with a high dose TRT cycle. Your energy and drive will just shoot through the roof.
You will feel like you can walk into a gym and just crush the weights. It’s an amazing feeling and it’s not limited to a temporary spike like a caffeine shot, mind you. It’s a permanent effect that lasts 24/7.
Fat Loss & Muscle Building
When your T levels shoot up, so does your ability to drop body fat and build lean muscle mass.
From muscle protein synthesis, to glycogen retention to using Growth hormone and Insulin like growth factor 1, your body is thinking 24/7 to produce muscle tissue. We are not even talking about the slow and puffy muscle gains, mind you.
This is hard, fibrous muscle tissue that makes you look like a pro bodybuilder. At the same time, your revved up metabolism is peeling away that stubborn belly fat.
When you build muscle and burn fat, both at the same time, you are looking at anabolic steroids like results. No kidding.
Stamina, Endurance & Confidence
There’s so much focus on muscle building that one tends to overlook the fact that testosterone does more than building muscle.
It increases your stamina, endurance and confidence levels to the point where you can go out there and just dominate life 24/7, 365 days a year. You carry yourself with an air of superiority that will boost all aspects of your life.
Your sex life is way better. Your partner is not complaining. You are in total control of your life. You are going out there and crushing it with weights. It’s something that comes purely with androgens and Testogen can get it for you.
What are the ingredients in TestoGen?
Just like TestoPrime, TestoGen is a multi-ingredient blend. There are herbal extracts, amino acids, vitamins and more, that come together in synergy.
Why there’s over 2 grams of D Aspartic Acid alone, which is considered by most experts to be one of the only natural ingredients that amplifies free testosterone levels.
But that’s not all. Here’s a closer look at the ingredient list.
■ D-Aspartic Acid (2352mg)
■ Fenugreek Extract (40mg)
■ Zinc (10mg)
■ Vitamin D3 (50mcg)
■ Korean Red Ginseng Extract 4:1 (40mg)
■ Boron (8mg)
■ Nettle Leaf Extract 4:1 (40mg)
■ Magnesium (200mg)
■ Vitamin B6 (20mg)
■ Vitamin K1 (20mcg)
■ Bioperine® 95% Piperine (5mg)
TestoGen Pricing
TestoGen is priced at $59.99 for a month’s supply which gives you free shipping and 3 free gifts. They also have an instant Testosterone boosting liquid formula, called Testo-Drops, which works great if you are looking for quicker results.
The combo is priced at $89.99 for a month’s supply. If you buy a 3-month supply of the combo, you get it for $284 which also gives you a 2-month supply for free. So it’s a total of 5-months’ worth of TestoGen and drops for that price.
That’s a no-brainer. Insane value!
Why we highly recommend TestoGen Herbal Testosterone Booster
In all the years that we have been reviewing testosterone pills, we have rarely come across a formula that addresses all aspects of hormone optimization like TestoGen does.
■ Strongest dose of D Aspartic acid for free testosterone boosting
■ Magnesium which helps reduce SHBG levels and increase free testosterone
■ Estrogen controlling ingredients which prevent water gain, and a soft finish to the muscle tissue
■ Increases both serum testosterone as well as free T
■ Huge increase in lean muscle mass production, libido and energy
■ Most men who were using a cocktail of supplements have swapped them for TestoGen
■ Free Shipping on All orders
■ Comes with a liquid testosterone boosting drops that reduce the time that it takes for it to kick in
■ 100% Money Back guarantee for 100 days. That’s the best in class. Most brands offer only 67-days.
TestoGen – Final Thoughts
If you are above the age of 40 and are beginning to feel the effects of low testosterone, then TestoGen is the best option for you.
It gives you the best of all worlds. It boosts muscle, burns fat, increases sex drive, stamina, strength, energy, mood and confidence.
It will reverse the clock making you a teenager again. The best part? It comes with a 100-day money back guarantee. Hard to beat that!
#4 – TestoFuel – Legal Anabolic Support Complex
We first came across TestoFuel in 2018 during a CrossFit event where one 43-year old man was giving juiced-up 20 somethings a run for their money.
Since a lot of Cross Fit athletes are jacked, we were almost convinced that this guy was at least on TRT if not on more drugs. But turns out he was using a natural testosterone booster called TestoFuel.
TestoFuel is an all-natural anabolic support complex, which increases your free testosterone levels resulting in a dramatic increase in muscle mass and strength.
What are the benefits of using TestoFuel?
TestoFuel is primarily aimed at athletes who are struggling to get results in the gym because of low testosterone levels. It has the right blend of Vitamins and Minerals which support quick muscle recovery, in addition to providing the required hormonal support.
Rapid Increase in Muscle Development
Muscle development is a complex process that involves multiple hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters, beginning from the DNA. TestoFuel increases the production of free testosterone, but also boosts IGF-1 levels, which in turn will recruit Human Growth Hormone.
The combination is pure dynamite for muscle building. Everything you do in the gym will be amplified. Growth hormone calls on satellite cells which rapidly produce new muscle nuclei. The more muscle nuclei you have, the faster your body can assemble muscle fibers, causing your muscles to grow in size.
Increased Endurance and Recovery
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone which gives men their masculine features. It also has a crucial role in developing muscles, reduced body fat and healthier bones.
When your body is recruiting a combination of hormones and enzymes for muscle production, your recovery and muscle endurance also skyrocket. This means that you will be ready for harder and more vigorous workouts in much lesser time.
Enhanced Strength Levels
Since TestoFuel increases free testosterone levels, it also increases your strength levels. You can lift heavier weights which means faster muscle growth. The added benefit is that you will not require to spend hours in the gym to achieve your goals.
We must say though that many people find the strength gains too dramatic. So, even if you are able to stack plates in each workout session, we recommend that you slow down a tad.
Take it slow. Muscle building is a marathon, not a 100 meter sprint.
What are the ingredients in TestoFuel?
TestoFuel’s ingredients are designed for anabolic hormonal optimization and supporting muscle recovery and production. There’s herbal extracts, vitamins and amino acids, all in apt concentrations for synergistical working.
Here’s a look.
■ Vitamin D3
■ Vitamin K2
■ Vitamin B6
■ Magnesium
■ Zinc
■ D-Aspartic Acid
■ Asian Red Panax Ginseng
■ Fenugreek
■ Oyster Extract
As you can see, there’s the quintessential Vitamin blend including K2, D3 & B6. This blend , in particular, is imperative to your body’s ability to synthesize testosterone.
There are blends of various herbal extracts including Fenugreek which have been used for centuries to promote healthy sexual function and vitality in men.
There’s amino acids like DAA as well as minerals like Zinc.
TestoFuel Pricing
The price of one 90-capsule bottle of TestoFuel is currently priced at $50 with free shipping, because of the Black Friday sale. If you buy three bottles you will get one bottle for free. So it’s 4 bottles at $150.
This is not very expensive for having all-natural ingredients instead of synthetic anabolics.
Why we highly recommend TestoFuel Herbal Testosterone Booster
If you are an athlete or have been lifting on and off for years, but have never managed to get the kind of results you wanted, then TestoFuel will get the job done for you.
Here’s why we recommend TestoFuel.
■ 100% Natural blend of Vitamins, herbs, minerals and amino acids
■ Bumps up the rate of muscle protein synthesis allowing your body to produce muscle tissue much quicker
■ Increases the amount of free testosterone in your body which is directly related to muscle development
■ Boosts strength levels and endurance
■ Helps prevent post-workout fatigue and soreness for a much quicker recovery
■ Increases libido
■ Huge increase in energy, mood and confidence
■ Most Cost Effective Testosterone booster at just $50 a bottle
TestoFuel – Final Thoughts
TestoFuel with the anabolic support complex is the best Muscle Building Testosterone booster formula with all natural ingredients. It’s a blend of Vitamins, herbs, minerals and Amino Acids that are essential for optimal testosterone production.
How to select the best testosterone booster 2021
Given the dubious reputation that testosterone boosters have in general, and the number of overpriced gimcracks that have flooded the market in recent years, it can be a daunting task to decide which testosterone boosting pills really work.
Time and again, we have come across internet posts that scream that a testosterone booster that I tried didn’t work. The next thing you know, everyone’s resonating what that post said and they come to a general consensus that T boosters are junk.
If you too have wasted your time, money and effort on testosterone boosters that give you no results, then here’s a little help with selecting your next testosterone booster.
Be rest assured that this will change your perception about Testosterone boosters in general.
Identify the Ingredients that are scientifically proven to increase testosterone
Naturally increasing testosterone levels is not easy. Often, brands make it seem like all that the supplement has to do is stimulate the release of Luteinizing hormone and boom, your body will start to release more test.
But Testosterone is such a vital but complex hormone that there are tons of other hormones that it is connected with. A release of testosterone alone is impossible physiologically. It will be accompanied by hundreds of tiny processes in the body.
So, there are only a handful of ingredients that are scientifically Proven to increase testosterone in healthy men.
Some of these ingredients are: D-Aspartic Acid, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Boron, Vitamin K1 and Magnesium.
Magnesium can help increase free testosterone by reducing the levels of SHBG. D3 is a vitamin that most men are deficient in. Boron is good for increasing free testosterone and reducing SHBG.
D-Aspartic acid is actually proven to increase Testosterone levels by 42% when taken at 3gms per day!
In Amino acids – L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Citrulline & L-Lysine play vital roles in hormonal balance and metabolism.
In Herbs, there’s Panax Ginseng, Fenugreek, & KSM-66 Ashwagandha that lead the list. These are evidence backed to increase both lean muscle mass, strength as well as sexual drive.
For a long time, Tribulus was the most recommended herbal extract, but that’s no longer the case.
Whenever you analyze a testosterone booster, take a look at the ingredient list and watch out for these ingredients. If it contains these, it’s half the battle won.
The Concentration (Dosage) of the ingredients
The other half comes from dosages. Dosages are vital to gauge the effectiveness of a testosterone booster. Many a time, brands use ‘Proprietary blends’ as a ploy to hide the dosages of their ingredients.
Why are proprietary blends bad?
A Proprietary blend is a term that is used by brands to induct numerous herbal extracts into the formula. This way, they can claim on the label of their product that they have ’20mgs’ of this & ’15mgs’ of that.
There’s a world of difference between 20mgs and 15 mg. These dosages are so minute that they’re not even worth mentioning in most cases.
So try to avoid products with Proprietary blends and look for brands that list the actual dosage of their main ingredients on their labels.
Another thing to watch out for is the dose or concentration of the ingredient and the dose that was most effective for that ingredient in the corresponding clinical study. For instance, Panax Ginseng is most effective in multiple clinical trials at doses ranging from 3000-5000 mg.
TestoPrime has 8000 mg. Some brands use 100 mg of Panax in their product, which will have zero effect on your T levels, energy or mood.
Check for real customer reviews
The health supplements industry thrives on hype and marketing. So, it’s impossible to weed out the possibility that most of the glossy reviews that you read on the internet are faked.
That’s why we dig through dozens of customer reviews of a product to find out what real people have to say about it. And if they mention that the product worked for them, we scrutinize these reviews further.
It’s actually quite easy to spot fake reviews if you spend some time doing it. With the three testosterone booster pills that we have recommended, the good part is that there are customers who say that it didn’t work for them. At least 8-9% of them do.
That’s not necessarily bad, mind you. In fact, a 100% positive review rate of any product means that the brand is trying too hard. That’s a red flag for us.
The 10% reviews that state that these products didn’t work, highlight how complex the endocrine system is and how we all are different. A product that works like a charm for me may do nothing for you.
The rest of the 90% of the reviews confirm what we have always known. These are the top 4 testosterone boosters 2021. Period.
Don’t use the pricing as a yardstick
‘You get what you pay for’. This saying is truer than ever when you are discussing health supplements.
You may find some cheap T boosters selling on eCommerce stores for less than $30, but the reality is that they’re not even worth 30 bucks. They might be packed with subpar ingredients that are unlikely to yield results.
The most common DIY method of boosting testosterone at home is to buy the likes of Tribulus, Fenugreek and Horny Goat Weed and combining them in an approximate ratio of 40:1:1.
This way, you get a product that adds up to 3000-5000mg and will yield impressive results. But when you see a brand selling this for $30-$50 per 30 servings, they’re taking you for a ride.
Every supplement that we’ve recommended in this list costs from $1 to $5 per day, when you use it regularly. But if you can spare an extra buck, do so. It’s worth the money, trust us!
Best Herbal Testosterone Booster 2021 – FAQ
Q. What herbal testosterone booster is the best?
A: In 2021, that has to be TestoPrime, PrimeGENIX Testodren, TestoFuel or TestoGen. Don’t even waste your time on anything else.
Q. What is the best herbal testosterone booster on Amazon?
A: To be honest, we don’t know. We never shop for testosterone boosters on Amazon. Most of the ones that we found there were either overpriced or just didn’t have the right ingredients to work.
Q. Do T boosters cause hair loss?
A: No they don’t. Because an increase in endogenous Testosterone does not convert into DHT, which is the hormone that attacks your hair follicles. TRT injections though, can cause severe hair loss if you are prone to it. With testosterone boosters, you will continue to receive the benefits of high T, but you will be spared the hair loss.
Q. Do any herbal testosterone boosters really work?
A: Well, we have specified everything in great detail to explain how each one of these products work, the reason why people generally scream that T boosters don’t work and the process to narrow down on the right products. But to answer your question, yes testosterone boosters do work. You must pick the right one for it to work though.
Q. What are the side effects of taking herbal testosterone boosters?
A: When it comes to side effects, people expect Testosterone boosters to cause side effects like liver toxicity, man boobs, and high blood pressure. But these are caused by exogenous testosterone analogs. Not endogenous testosterone which T boosters stimulate.
If you take a quality testosterone boosting pill, you should experience minimal side effects such as mild water retention (temporary), headaches and insomnia until your body adjusts to the surging levels of testosterone.
Q. Are herbal testosterone boosters safe?
A: We have already covered how to analyze testosterone boosters. Scrutinize the product label and watch out for chemical ingredients, colors, additives, SARMS and anything else that has no reason to be included in a natural dietary supplement.
As long as it’s 100% natural and contains the ingredients that we have mentioned above, it’s safe and good to go.
Q. What is the best herbal testosterone booster for building muscle?
A: We’d recommend TestoPrime & TestoFuel for muscle building. It has the most potent combination of herbs, amino acids and vitamins that are best suited for bodybuilding.
PrimeGENIX Testodren is not too bad either, mind you. You can club it with DIM 3X to produce a dry and ripped physique too.
Q. What is the best herbal testosterone booster for weight loss?
A: TestoGen is the best testosterone booster for weight loss. It has ingredients that can suppress your appetite and boost your mood so you stay motivated to lose fat and look good. PrimeGENIX Testodren would come a very close second, especially if coupled with DIM 3X.
Best Herbal Testosterone Booster – Final Thoughts
Testosterone boosters can help you lose weight and build muscle faster and easier. They will make your workouts more intense and maximize the effects of anabolic exercises like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups etc.
If there’s anything that we know for sure about testosterone boosters, it’s that they’re not just hype. Well researched ingredients backed by scientific studies that are proven to work.
The best testosterone booster 2021 will be the one that has the right ingredients, is 100% natural and won’t cause any side effects unless you’re allergic to any of them.
To summarize our recommendation list –
■ TestoPrime – Best Testosterone booster for bodybuilding
■ PrimeGENIX Testodren – Featured in 5 clinical studies. Increases Free T by 72.5%
■ TestoGen – Best Testosterone booster for middle aged men seeking overall quality of life improvement
■ TestoFuel – Anabolic Support Complex for fast muscle gains
Good luck folks!